VSTE partners with Big Deal Media to bring you the "best of the best" of web-based resources, classroom competitions and teacher grant programs. The March 15, 2018, newsletter offers resources that Blend Teaching and Technology, Put STEAM into STEM & More.
Here are a few of our favorites. Be sure to check out the complete newsletter using the link below. The archives have some great stuff, too!
Summer Institutes on Teaching with Primary Sources
The Library of Congress (LOC) organizes one-week Summer Teacher Institutes, during which LOC education specialists facilitate sessions modeling strategies for using primary sources to engage students, build critical thinking skills, and construct knowledge.
Modules for Preparing Future Physics Teachers
Teaching Physics Modules are an outgrowth of an initiative of the Physics Teachers Education Coalition to help preservice physics teachers in their preparation to be effective in the classroom. The modules focus on several crucial aspects of classroom instruction, with the purpose of improving student learning, motivation, and confidence.
Guide for Blending Instruction and Technology
Blending Teaching and Technology: Simple Strategies for Improved Student Learning, a freely downloadable guide from Future Ready Schools, offers school district leaders a collection of strategies aligned to the Future Ready Frameworkfor implementing an instructional approach supported by blended learning.