VSTE partners with Big Deal Media to bring you the "best of the best" of web-based resources, classroom competitions and teacher grant programs. The February 1, 2018, newsletter offers resources that Integrate Engineering with Literacy, Connect Geometry and Art & More.
Here are a few of our favorites. Be sure to check out the complete newsletter using the link below. The archives have some great stuff, too!
Program Integrating Engineering and Literacy
Researchers at Tufts University’s Center for Engineering Education and Outreach partnered with teachers to design a program they call Novel Engineering, which plays on the literary strengths of elementary and middle school teachers to help them explore hands-on, science-oriented activities in their classrooms.
Competition Bringing Poetry to Life
Poetry Out Loud encourages students to learn about great poetry through memorization and recitation. The program’s National Recitation Contest, sponsored by the Poetry Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, begins at the classroom level.
Grants to Fund Special Projects
The Association of American Educators (AAE) Foundation offers classroom grants of up to $500 that can be used for a variety of projects and materials, including but not limited to books, software, calculators, math manipulatives, art supplies, audiovisual equipment, and lab materials.