Heather Hurley
Supervisor of Personalized Learning
Arlington County Public Schools
Educational Leadership
I am the Supervisor of Personalized Learning for Arlington Public Schools (VA) where I work with educators to create more learner centered environments. I am a former elementary Assistant Principal, Instructional Technology Coordinator and former VSTE Conference Chairperson. I currently serve on the VSTE Board of Directors as their Outreach Chairperson and am on the Learning Forward Virginia Board as their Registrar.
Vision for VSTE
Over the next three years I would like to continue to grow VSTE's outreach efforts. I feel like we have made great connections with other Virginia organizations and I would like to connect with more. I am proud of the equity work that VSTE has started and I would like to see the work of the VSTE Equity Committee become a model for other organizations. Finally, I would like to see the VSTE conference continue to be innovative and provide top notch professional learning around educational technology.
Biographical Sketch
I have been an educator for 27 years and have held many roles during that time. Throughout my career I have collaborated with various stakeholders on the integration of educational technology. I am a Discovery Educator, SMART Exemplary Educator, a Google Certified Innovator, a BrainPop Educator and a Flipgrid Educator. In my free time I enjoy photography, all things Marvel, cooking, wine and BACON.