VSTE's Virtual Environments Professional Learning Network (VE PLN) is pleased to announce the formation of the Second Life Literary Studies Group. The purpose of the group will be to discuss literary works, usually short stories, and share better ways to teach literature and English, in general. The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 10, 2018, at 8 PM, and the group will be discussing the short story "The Star." This short story is available at:
Second Life is free to access. You need an account and software to access the virtual world.
We recommend setting up an account at the Rockcliffe University Consortium's Gateway here: https://urockcliffe.com/reg/second-life/ Download and install the software. While your Second Life viewer (software) is open click this link http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VSTE%20Island/61/104/22 and voila! Look for an avatar on VSTE Island and say, "Hey, I'm new!" We will take care of the rest.
The VE PLN shares news, events, and resources at their Google Plus Community. Click here to join.