Lynmara Colón
Prince William County Public Schools
Educational Leadership Experience
I have been in school leadership for the past 7 years. I am known for being intentional about creating magical moments for stakeholders, getting them excited to be in school every day. Under my leadership, students have gained access to 1:1 devices, coding classes, and STEM curriculum. I have been recognized as a NSBA 20 to watch for her innovative practices and creative approach to professional learning.
Vision for VSTE
I am eager to be a influence to schools leaders, sharing the importance of ongoing and robust professional learning, listen to teachers' feedback, and embracing failure when it comes to technology. I would also like to focus on being an advocate for students with special needs and the importance of providing them with equal access to technology.
Biographical Sketch
I am passionate about transforming education through digital learning and providing access to technology to all students. I also believe that every school should run like Disney, providing students with magical experiences every day. With a focus on customer service and engaging practices, I have created a culture at my school where students are eager to come back every day.
I just read your piece at on Building Instructional Leadership Capacity. I am currently writing a paper for my 092 and I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading it and hope you continue to write insightful pieces like this. I felt like I was talking to myself while reading and believe that more of this style should be written and spoken about to potential leaders. Nice job and thank you!