The Honorable James Clapper, former US Director of National Intelligence, will provide the keynote for the Making Connections School Safety Summit, co-sponsored by the Roanoke County Public Schools and VSTE.
The summit will be held Monday, April 8, 2019, at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center in Roanoke, Virginia. Together, presenters and attendees will explore a range of school safety issues including cybersecurity, building security and digital citizenship. Additionally, featured speakers will examine school safety from both the parent and students perspective.
Registration for the event is $100 and includes breakfast, lunch and snacks. A hotel block has been reserved at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center.
Featured Speakers:
The Honorable James R. Clapper served as the fourth US Director of Intelligence from August 9, 2010 to January 20, 2017. In this position, Mr. Clapper led the United States Intelligence Community and served as the principal intelligence advisor to President Barack Obama. He is the author of the best selling book, Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence.
Lisa Hamp is a writer and advocate for school safety. She is a survivor of the Virginia Tech shooting that took place on April 16, 2007. With her classmates, she built a barricade to prevent the shooter from entering their classroom. Lisa suffered with PTSD for many years after, and she’ll share with you a variety of hard — but powerful — lessons that she has learned since that day.
Michele Gay is a mother, former teacher, and one of the founders of Safe and Sound Schools: A Sandy Hook Initiative. Following the tragic loss of her daughter, Josephine, in the Sandy Hook School tragedy, Michele Gay joined Sandy Hook mother Alissa Parker to establish Safe and Sound Schools as a national resource for school safety. She now travels across the country sharing her message of inspiration, recovery, and school safety education and advocacy.
Matt Dunleavy, the Executive Director of the Vinod Chachra IMPACT Lab ( at Radford University in Virginia. The IMPACT team is spearheading the competency-based education efforts at Radford University in the areas of education, cybersecurity and geospatial intelligence by delivering online, self-paced, competency-based education (CBE) in high-demand workforce areas throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia and several neighboring states. IMPACT is built upon Radford University's established and award-winning programs. It employs research-based practices from cognitive science, analytics, simulation-based learning and gamification in every aspect of its training to ensure it is challenging, highly effective and engaging.
Sean Burke is President of the School Safety Advocacy Council and is considered a school safety and law enforcement expert by the U.S. Department of Justice, where he was a founding member of the U.S Department of Justice School Safety Technical Working Group, and U.S Department of Homeland Security. He also served as a grant review specialist for the United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice in the area of law enforcement and school safety.
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