Beginning May 26, 2020, VSTE members and friends will be encouraged to submit their online resources and content to the VSTE Virtual Showcase. Showcase items might include:

  • Resources and ideas for going online
  • Links to presentations, lesson plans, tutorials or other items you have created to support online learning
  • Descriptions of how you are using particular tools to support online learning
  • Live discussions on online learning: lessons learned
VSTE members and friends are encouraged to submit their online resources and content to the VSTE Virtual Showcase. Fields marked * are required.

Enter a descriptive title for this resource, session, or tool.

upload image

Please upload an image by dragging its icon to the window that opens when clicking "Select Image" button. Larger JPG, PNG images are best. To preserve animation, GIFs should be no larger than 500px wide.

Please share the names and/or Twitter handles of all involved in developing this resource.

Tell us all about this session, tool, or resource.

Enter name of a person, web site, etc to give credit for the image submitted above.

Check all categories that will help organize this item.

Add any descriptive tags for this item. Separate multiple ones with commas.

Add any notes or messages to send to the site manager; this will not be part of what is published. If you wish to be contacted, leave an email address or twitter handle.

You can preview how your item will look when published; when ready, share it to this collection.

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