Join members of the VSTE Virtual Environments PLN on Monday, February 3, at 8 PM EST, when participants in the EVOMOOC (Electronic Village Online Massively Open Online Course) will visit VSTE Place, and Dakotah Redstone will provide them with a tour.
Electronic Village Online sponsors the MOOC, and this week, the participants are exploring the multi-player game Minecraft as a virtual world for learning. Many of participants are teachers, particularly language teachers, but some enjoy online gaming as a way of improving their English as a second language. This MOOC is run by Vance Stevens, who is a member of the VSTE VE PLN.
Basic directions to join VSTE Place, VSTE’s Minecraft world:
You must have a Minecraft account from to join. There is a one time fee of $26.95 to download and install the software. You will need to be whitelisted to enter the VSTE server. Email Kim Harrison at from an educational email address with your real name and Minecraft account name.
Start the software and choose multiplayer and add a server: Name VSTE Place IP
We use Discord to share voices in Minecraft. This is a voice and screen sharing application that will run on your computer or mobile device. Download and install it for free. Create an account. Many of us use the same name for our Discord account as our Minecraft account to keep things simple. Our channel is It helps us to be able to play Minecraft in one screen and listen via Discord with earbuds or headphones.
Will there be more opportunities like this?
Yes! VSTE’s VE PLN (Virtual Environments) holds Minecraft Monday on the first Monday of every month. I’ll put you in touch with Kim Harrison who can make sure you are able to access our server. The group often does a larger summer event as well.