The following information is provided as a service to our membership. It does not constitute an endorsement by VSTE.
We understand that these are difficult times for all stakeholders in K-12 education and Virginia Schools Divisions may be experiencing challenges around remote, hybrid or technology use in the classroom. In our discussions with educators across the country we have heard the following concerns and NetRef can help address all of these:
- Remote Student Attendance
- Student Engagement
- Track Usage of Online Programs
- Equity
NetRef is a Virginia-based technology company and wants to offer any assistance and help to Virginia School Divisions. We are offering FREE usage of NetRef beyond the 14 days listed on the flyer for Virginia Divisions.
- NetRef can be set up either with or without teacher involvement. We understand that teachers have a lot of their plates right now and don’t want to over burden but provide useful data and also ensure kids are using devices appropriately.
- With teacher involvement provides all classroom management functionality as well as all data and usage reports for teachers and building and central office admin.
- Without teacher involvement you would still have usage, attendance and engagement data reports and
- Set up for either implementation would take about 20 minutes or so. We provide all services – implementation, SIS integration, technical support and training
- We can set up very quickly and pull data from your SIS so there is minimal effort on your end.
Short 3 minute video on how NetRef tracks engagement and attendance
14 minute pre-recorded NetRef demo from VSTE Leading Ed Forum
See what educators are saying about how NetRef is helping to keep kids focused and engaged
For more information or to discuss setting up your free trial please contact:
Joe Warden
Education Partnerships Manager
Phone: (703) 489-7577