VSTE is pleased, as part of its partnership with Joylabz, to offer professional development for the Makey Makey. Not sure what that is? This video should clear up any confusion:
Taught by a certified Makey Makey Training Partner, the Makey Makey Invention Literacy Workshop for Educators is a fun hands-on learning experience where you’ll learn how to teach Invention Literacy, Making, and Design Thinking using the award winning Makey Makey invention kit. We’ll explore how to teach circuits and conductivity using Makey Makeys and then put our skills to use designing your own inventions! Participants learn best practices and gain access to a multimedia training website that can be used later when working with your students or training others. Participants receive a Makey Makey (offered at the reduced price of $20) to take home along with a certificate of participation.
VSTE has certified trainers located in almost every region of the state. Contact mikescott@vste.org to get more information about participating in or hosting a training.
Current Scheduled Training
VSTE is offering this session on December 1st in Virginia Beach during its all day pre conference workshops.
Invention Literacy Workshop
Higher Education Center, Abingdon, Virginia
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
9 AM – 3 PM
Trainer: Karen Richardson
Cost: $25 includes Makey Makey
Taught by a certified Makey Makey Training Partner, the Makey Makey Invention Literacy Workshop for Educators is a fun hands-on learning experience where you’ll learn how to teach Invention Literacy, Making, and Design Thinking using the award winning Makey Makey invention kit. We’ll explore how to teach circuits and conductivity using Makey Makeys and then put our skills to use designing your own inventions! Participants learn best practices and gain access to a multimedia training website that can be used later when working with your students or training others. Participants receive a Makey Makey to take home along with a certificate of participation.