VSTE is pleased to welcome Sarah Thomas (@@sarahdateechur) as guest moderator for the fifth week of our Slow Tweet Chat Book Group. She will be leading us in a discussion of the Fourth chapter of The Missing Voices in EdTech: Bringing Diversity Into EdTech by this year's conference keynoter, Rafranz Davis. This chapter focuses on the unspoken inequity: people of color of edtech. While we certainly encourage you to read the book, you are welcome to share and comment even if you haven't quite finished the reading.
Hashtags: #vstechat, #vste, #ce16
Register ahead of time for reminders and the chance to win VSTE swag!
Just getting started with Twitter and Tweet Chats? Here are a few resources for learning:
- Tweet Chats: Helps explain the various patterns used in a chat like Q1 and A3
- Guidelines: From our friends at #NovaEdChat
- Twitter Slow Chats: Specifics about how a "slow" chat works