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Powering Up Your Lessons with Pear Deck

Powering Up Your Lessons with Pear Deck

Pear Deck takes any Google slides presentation and allows you to make it interactive using a variety of different slide types. In a remote learning or hybrid learning…

Nearpod with Zoom equals engagement!

Remote learning doesn’t mean we’re not connected! Using Nearpod with Zoom!

This is really more just an idea for using two tools that you may already be using for virtual learning but using them together can transform your online…

robot zine example

Robot Zine: Human-Computer Interaction

With advances in AI, it is more important than ever that we consider how humans and computers will interact. How do you want the robots of the future…

Scratch Art: Exploring Patterns With Code

To borrow Seymour Papert’s words, Scratch is a great tool to think through. This Scratch project will guide learners (teachers or students) to break down patterns and make…

Seasons simulation that runs on Chromebooks in Canvas!

Teaching what causes the seasons can be difficult on a 2D Blackboard. I know. I have tried for years, and feel many of my students just don’t understand….

Take a Virtual STEM based field trip to Jazero Crater on Mars using a web based Virtual World on 3DWebWorldz on a Chromebook

Chromebooks are affordable devices for schools to use for google docs, accessing an LMS like canvas, and preparing and taking standardized tests. Web based virtual worlds like 3dWebWorldz…

TeachersFirst®: Free, Teacher-reviewed Curricular and Classroom Resources

TeachersFirst is a searchable collection of more than 15,000 free, web-based classroom resources curated and reviewed by teachers for teachers. Discover lesson and unit ideas, timely upcoming topics,…

Technology Tidbits

Technology Tidbits- Collection of Resources to make online teaching easier and more engaging!

Collection of Resources and tutorials to help teachers create creative and engaging online teaching materials and lessons!

The Magic Beneath the Surface of Ed Tech

Description: Stop, collaborate, and listen! Do not move away from a technology just because there is a new one and/or without fully exploring the tool. Many times the…

Tips & Tricks for Creating Hyperdocs

Review tips and tricks for creating clear directions and design in your hyperdocs. Using hyperdocs creates a visual experience for students that need checks for understanding along the…