Presented by Joe Marquez, Education Strategist, Sons of Technology
Learn how to leverage the new Google Sites to create an immersive tool for student organization with the creation of an eBinder. The idea behind any binder is organization, primarily collection of work, a place to reflect on their learning process, and finally recollect of what they learned for purposes of sharing or studying. This organizational structure is "Collection,Reflection and Recollection” and will be our guiding principle in our eBinder creation.
Certificate of attendance form
hello everybody Joe markets here and I just want to say thank you so much for allowing me into your home and be able to collaborate with you on the subject known as the key binders now first off in E. binder is different than a portfolio in that E. binder is a collection of student work through the entirety of the year where is the portfolio is a collection of best works to be able to showcase at the end of the year
that students interact with on a daily basis they can go in there and reflect them and remember what they have done and be able to study what they've learned so that they can prepare themselves for an exam later on so E. binder something the students really need to really dig their hands into that's why he binder when you're pushing it out to your entire class should have a cadence and a routine it so that students understand that it needs to be interacted with on a daily basis now everything that a showcase for you today is going to be available on this website Bitly forward slash U. binders and it's going to have everything that I'm gonna showcase to you and more but I just want to be able to kind of give you an overlay of everything in P. the binder can have and I also want you to understand that he binders are specific towards a teacher and a school in the district so the things that I'm a showcase for you are just recommendations you can definitely change them up you can remix of the make them work best for you so I just want showcase for you some things that I have found that work really great and he binders and get acceptance by the students and and and an easy way to kind of check for understanding throughout the year first off when I was looking at him E. binder the one thing I wanted to say is you know I don't want to think of it as this just digital binder I wanted to think of it as a binder in general so I wanted to break it down to the bare bones and think about what is the purpose of having the student keep a binder whether it's digital or physical and when I thought about this long and hard I came to the king that it's basically three things that a binder is meant to do one it's a collection of students work throughout the course of an assignment a project or unit that will help them better understand the material so they're collecting all of this work not everything they're only collecting data points and assignments and activities that are gonna help them understand the essential question were the primary question of the unit or the assignment next the needs to be a place of reflection they need to be able to complete a binder page and be able to go back and reflect what did I learn what questions do I still have how can I find answers to those questions so it needs to be able to be a place they can reflect on their work daily and finally it's a place for recollection this recollection is when they're going through their binder pages at a later date and because they created it and they've added items of importance they can recollect the information the correct elect the day they can recollect the activity so these are all the things that we are looking for in an evening
yeah everything that I just said to you sounds great but it is actually based in science as well it really relates to the cognitive learning theory and this theory implies that enhanced cognitive process takes place when students are actually involved in and creating the activities and products themselves and this is composed of of many different processes and three of the most important to many binder are observational learning which means they're learning from each other and they're learning from their activities and and easy should not be something students create and then hi hide away it's something that should be available to the class for other students to be able to peruse and see the other mindsets of each other students so it needs to be made open to the entirety of the class the other one is reproduction meaning after they've learned something they should be able to reproduce or create something that is related to that subject and that's our main component of the E. binder in the section that we're to talk about in learning artifacts with the students are creating materials based on what they've learned it during the course of the lesson and then finally self sufficiency this is when the students improve their knowledge by actually putting that behavior into practice so they're actually doing something with the material so these three things really support that cognitive learning there we're learning actually is enhanced by the students having this tactile experience and when we're talking about even if we're not talking that everything has to be digital I'm a huge proponent of blended learning which means you're still going to be doing hands on activities are still gonna be doing hands on projects but you're going to have the students document those in a digital means and a really good way to explain this to students is through social media tell the students that they were allowed to use their laptops to take pictures and record videos throughout the entirety of the lesson and my mindset is always in the mindset of a science teacher because that's my background and I really find that when students were given the opportunity to take pictures during labs then to add those pictures into their labs as long as they wrote down a reason why they took a picture of what was happening in that picture they really gravitated towards understanding the material more and that is also leading us to another theory called the multimedia learning theory which was described by mayor and basically what's that saying is it says students learn better that with multiple media components than a single component alone meeting text alone will not help students but text and images well audio and text well video and text or video and images so if you're creating multimedia components through through through the through an E. binder you're really allowing that cognitive theory to take hold that multimedia thirty eight really gravitates right there so you really need to explain this to students in that form of social media but instead of taking pictures of things outside the classroom and posting it on their Instagram or Facebook or Snapchat or I guess you know you're looking at tictoc now up there put there taking pictures during the course of the lesson and being proud of what they're learning being proud of with them in their partners are creating and they're posting those images to the E. binder that creates a memory right there because they are they're they're involved in the entire to the process so that's what we're really looking at the P. C. want them to really take hold of them so don't think it's just digital things that need to be placed in here it's also physical things as well and I'm gonna showcase for you some examples that students have created where they are actually putting in physical items into their binders so I just wanted to make that clear and P. binder is not one hundred percent digital it's a one hundred percent digital location that physical and digital items can be placed and so I just want to make that clear for us and on this website that you can definitely go to Bitly forward slash he binders I'm gonna showcase some examples of student work but you can definitely come here and see those examples as well also I'm on this webpage there step by step tutorials for everything that on the showcase for you it's a multiple part series on eBay unders still give you a deeper dive into every aspect of how to create what I'm gonna be showcasing for you today the first thing I want to talk to you about is P. binder templates and even template is incredibly important and it's also incredibly personal to you the teacher you want to be able to create a template that will help you check for understanding at a quicker and easier pace for the students but also it's it's it allows for the students to be took to help them understand the binder by creating a cadence or a daily activity that they they see consistently throughout thirty binders with template is incredibly important and I do want to point something out to you right now that if you go to sites like Google dot com they just recently added a option for a template gallery and I think that is a really great thing because now students can have portfolios the only downside is this when you the teacher are creating a portfolio so here's an example of a portfolio a single subject portfolio you're gonna find that during the course of the year there are things that you want to change there are things that you're you're like you know what this didn't work I'm gonna remove this this this activity really worked I want to add that or this a student came up with this cadence and I really like that idea so you include that and so you're constantly changing and the the look and the feel and the template of your Ebert gets better every single year and I find that if you just create a template and throw it in here you're going to be more likely to just be using the same template over and over and over and the the the and the yearly getting better of that template is not going to happen so I just want you to be aware of that I know this template gallery is going to exist it's gonna get even better but for me once I put it in this gallery it becomes static you can't change that template anymore and so it kind of removes the idea of of of the idea that it's organically growing into something better every year so I'm gonna show you a way that works now and you know maybe even in the future when you do see that this is getting bigger and better you might still find of this idea a little bit better and so this is what I do and this is the hack that'll work for you I create a folder called eve binder template gallery and I put all of my E. binders are all of my templates or maybe it's just one template that you're going to be working with I put it in here and this is my master template that I'm gonna constantly changing throughout the year and what I do in this template gallery is I make sure that I change the share settings to the folder as anyone with the link can view let me tell you why and I have a whole video on how to do this and why to do this but I a quickly and superficially let me show you why here is a binder that I made myself it's just a website and I want to show you that if you want your students and and the only way they can make a copy is if they have access to the draft not the published copy of the draft and if you do this and you show anyone with the link can edit you don't want your students to be editing your template and because you know students are going to be students and the gonna make changes in their gonna think it's funny there is no way to make it say anymore to link can view because when it anyone with the link can view setting is set a copy can be made but that's not given it two years so yes if you set it as in what we can and they will be able to make copies but they'll also be able to make changes to your master copy you do not want that but what I'm gonna show you this once you've placed this copy in this folder that the share settings have been placed as anyone with the link can view I want to show you some that magically happens the shares sitting now for this evening is anyone with the link can view so it automatically creates that option for you so now the students can actually make their copy so let me show you what you're gonna do with this you're gonna take the link to this folder right here you gonna come in here and you're gonna grab this link and you're to paste this in Google classroom so here's an example of a Google classroom and I'm going to create a topic called easy binder materials
and what I'm gonna do is I'm afraid incitement and I it make copy
your E. find right there and under the ad I'm gonna paste that link right there so it's a link to my folder
now they need instructions on how to make a copy the great thing about that is on this website that I showcase for you right here you can just copy this right here and paste that in as your instructions
in your Google classroom so let me show you a copy and paste and so now the kids students have instructions right here this is please read the instructions below open even template which is attached which of the template you're gonna right click on the E. binder you're gonna make a copy and then you're going to close the template filled and then once you open the E. binder you're gonna name it with your last name and your your binder and then if you're going to update the header and the site to be that page and so you can change it up but the most important part is one and two so let me show you what this looks like so I'm going to definitely make sure I keep that in my E. binder materials I'm not gonna put a due date and I'm not gonna put any points I'm gonna go ahead and select a site
and real quick before had to sign up make sure that is it is automatically sent to students can view files you do not want the students to edit the file or make a copy of it file you want to just leave it as students can make the file and then you have to sign
once it's assigned you'll now have the assignment make a copy of your P. binder and now in the student's website right here you can see that they have that exact same option right there as well
and so the students would come in here did select make a copy of your P. binder
they would read the instructions and they would click on the link
in the link they would come right over here and they were right click on the file and select make a copy notice they cannot select delete they can not select and it only make a copy and that is he here now depending on how big your template is it may take between thirty seconds and one minute for that copy to be made and if you have all of your forty students taking this at once it may take just a little bit longer
now was the student center copy made they're gonna come in here and they're going to change the title to their first name or last name I'm so I'm gonna go ahead do fake student
yeah even
this is so it'll help you find it yourself next they would change the title to to whatever they want and I want to notice everything that we put in here for the students is already there so from our template it pushed over here for example usually for each unit you may have the first or second activity already please put pre planned so you can definitely put those tasks already in and in the task you would have your work essential question you would have as a section for your artifacts and labs and then you have a section for your learning so all of those things will be prepared for the students but here's the thing things come up new activities happen things go you know thought you come up with a great idea while you're running in the morning if you want to add that in and so all these things happen so you have to create a little bit of flexibility and leeway in these binders because here's the thing once again your template had been copied by the students even if you make changes to your master template it will not be reflected in the students template because they've already made a copy that is why in the pages section I always create these blank pages for our students so that means so in this task page there's always a section of let me show you in the task page we always have these three things we always have a place for the essential question this is like the guiding topic for the day and just students want to interact with this like what they already know or what do they hope to learn about this essential question another section that's not here that you could always place in is a section for notes how are you gonna put your notes in there that could be done on a Google doc be done on regular paper that can be done as
you know visual notes sketch notes so but you can always have a place for your notes are huge section here is the learning artifacts section a place with the students complete activities make project record videos take images these are things that students are creating to help them understand how to ensure that essential question and finally a section for their learning blog what did they learn was there aha moment what they know now that you didn't know before these are some things that they could be answering on a daily basis you don't want the students to have to manually create a brand new task page every single time so let's say you're on unit two and you already have task one in there but now you're on task to you don't want them to have to recreate those texts task pages to all the students do is right click they hit make a copy or duplicate this page and are gonna title it unit to yeah
task number two now for you you can totally change the cadence of the up you can go unit two and then the name of the activity completely up to you but once they're done they had done it's gonna place this page right down here and once it is done it being created they're going to select it and move it up to the top of so once it's been made I'm gonna now moving it under unit to so now I have you know one task one at that I created as the teacher but now we have unit to task to for the students and noticed all they have to do is change the header but you have your essential question section right there you have a section for focus notes right there you have a section for labs and act the artifacts right there and then you section for the learning log and so it's all pre prepared it's all created for the students and that is extremely important because when it comes to Eddie binder you want to be a place that students can quickly get onto and quickly start adding in you don't want to have to take time to recreate this page every single time so hiding in these hidden pages will really help you during the course of the year so that's how we hand them out to the students and then that is also what that task page is supposed to look like right there now during the course of the day right there's the in the sections in the E. binders that the students are completely interacting with one hundred percent for the majority of the time like eighty eighty five percent of the time it's gonna be the learning artifacts page this is where they create artifacts or create some ideas and and create a materials that will help the students understand the material now a quick background on a learning learning artifact is considered something created by the student during the course of instruction in class during the course of instruction and to be considered an artifact the object needs to be lasting durable public and always present always present that's the key not placed in in their backpack and never to be seen again durable not thrown away not my dog it right public health public I don't mean public to the world right at the moment we still have to obey student privacy but public meeting at least to the class we learn best together right we don't learn in silos so a student may be struggling and they don't want to be raising their hand and asking the teacher but if they can see other students what they've created and how they were I understand the material they our mind begins to work like that's something that that's what I can do students learn best together humans learn best together so it's extremely important that we make these public and we have to get out of our minds all students should be sharing work they're just going to copy and copy copy sometimes that may happen but in reality each students are going to learn and grow as a community not as an individual so we have to make sure that we are not allowing the students to have that community in class and so that's what a learning artifact is that if your students want to are having a difficult time learning how to make a learning artifact you can always scaffold them by giving them a template so one of my favorite templates to create is a it's called a slight snap so let me show you a slight snap and and what would be on it so a slight snap is a snapshot of something they've completed or something they've learned I'm a could be a physical item it could be a digital item but they bring that image and then they bring in emoji over that image that helps them tell you the teacher and other students how they felt while they were completing that part of the assignment a happy yeah I did a really good job I think I did did well a sad reasons I just I I don't know what what I'm doing I I confused please up so the emoji is actually help you as you're looking through these slides naps it helps you understand it which students need help and which students are are relatively good with that subject another part of that learning artifact is taxed right we already talked about the multimedia principal work images alone won't work images and text help so we wanna text box and and explain what they did what they did on the project
how it made them feel what are they still questioning so that's what that text boxes for me to really knock it out of the park adding a video and a video can be added through multiple means but my favorite is adding it through screen testified and when you click on screen cast the fight of the students can actually do a quick recording of anything that they've been working on and all they would do is click on record and it creates a recording of that object and in that recording it saves it here and it houses it right here and what they can do is once they are once they're done recording their object right here what they would do is just click on copy shareable link to make sure that it is shareable and then once they are in they're going to in bed that item right in there so now we have an image we have text and now we also had a video here's an example of something we actually didn't class I have students go over and review an article that we read online and they physically and located that article online and if you watch my previous session on visual learning I showed exactly how to annotate articles online and when I had my students do is they brought that article into a slight snap so I can see what they're working on they would type right up here what they learned I'm about that article and how they felt about taking notes online and then finally they gave me a visual of vocal and a video of everything they did to complete that assignment it really really really does a great job at connecting the students cognitive learning to what they what they are saying they've learned and it creates that moment in time of recognition so that when they're going back to recollect all this information they remember making it they remember saying it so helps them understand a little bit more so this is a way that you can create a learning artifacts if your students are having a difficult time understanding that not once just it is really understand what a learning artifact is I recommend just having them go nuts so let me show you this is an actual students binder from an actual class it's not something that I created just time to you know show you how it could work this is actually how it did work so the student in the task page came up here and answer the essential question they included of notes section so not only did they bring in notes that they made in Google docs but they also brought in a visual notes that they created in Google drawing and then during the lab once again I'm not talking about doing everything digitally especially in science it needs to be hands on in most subjects it needs to be hands on and so we still do physical work we still have to use paper and pencil we still use the good old strategies of drawing but I want my students to take pictures of those items and bring them in because if it helps them learn I want them to make that is an artifact and they made during the course of instruction during the course of learning they're making it present or making a visible these are learning artifacts and then during the lab have them encourage them take pictures and take videos but just like in social media you don't just post a picture you post a picture and then you leave a comment something that helps people understand that picture maybe something that helps them recognize that picture and that's what they have to do right here in these learning artifacts they have to take a picture and they have to bring it in so as the students start understanding these things they start cricket creating these great learning artifacts and once again this student the beginning let me show you here's here's the very first time that we did a a task in this class and asked them to do learning artifacts and basically all they brought in was Google docs and and Google slide you know there just like oh this is what my teacher wants just off and I'm like no I want you to use this like social media take pictures of the activity take pictures of the learning take pictures of everything that you're doing that's going to help you understand these things and so after about a month of of just reminding them social media social media this is what we start dating so it's pretty amazing the way the students can really gravitate towards this and then a section right down here for those learning logs so it's incredibly important that we we allow the students to really showcase their talents here in those learning artifacts sections and we have to remind them this is the section that's going to help you understand the material this is the section right here that's gonna help you recollect that material at a later date so make it meaningful make a plentiful and make it lasting right here and that learning artifacts page so that's what I'm talking about when we're looking at learning artifacts and if you want a copy of the slide snap learning artifact once again on this web page you can definitely come in here and it'll it'll go through everything that you can to learn about how to use these learning artifacts and once you get in fact if you come up here to be step by step he binders you can come and see how to use those learning artifacts right there in your classroom
now after you start using it these these he binders and and doing all these cool things with them you're you're actually gonna start recognizing that Hey I need it I need to be able to check to see if my students are actually doing this there's a few different ways that you can do this number one is when your students create their binder here when the students make their binder have them come up here and share it with you right so you're gonna have them come up here and under inviting people they're going to type in your name
I some I'm Mr Marquez so they're gonna put me and they're gonna add me as an editor and what this will do is I'll actually put this file in my Google drive and and now I can go in at any time and come in and check the other thing you can do is have the students
a well actually here here's a here's the big thing you have to remember this and I'm sorry I did mention earlier after any change always make sure your students to publish if they don't hit publish and then all the edits they made it will not be viewed in what we call the published view that's the view that the rest of the class can see and actually that's the view that I highly recommend you as the instructor only check only come into this edited you if you if you see that the student is not as not completing work in the public view because most likely they're not they're actually doing the work and just forgetting to hit publish so I tell my students every day okay everybody get ready we're gonna start picking up hit publish log out and then pick up your church right hit published log out then pick up your checks to always hit publish I always tell them that so once they've hit publish right there they're gonna publish that site it is now going to be available to be viewed by the rest of the class now this is how I recommend you check for understanding okay here's the easiest way in Google classroom right down here underneath your what your week's assignments I recommend you create a section called binder checks so I'm gonna click assignment and I call binder check
number one this is our first one and then under instructions I'm say I'm gonna say I want your U. R. L. for the
burning artifacts
of and
number two so we're looking at the learning artist extortion attached to of unit number one okay just wanna be very specific and this is what you're gonna post once again you can leave ports for I'm and I'm gonna make sure I put it under that week right there and this is what the students are going to do and I'm also
I well please comments yeah
once you have
please and your card so just like that
and you're gonna hit sign
and once you've signed it you're going go back to here back to your students right over here and this is what your students are gonna do when they come in here and they see and they see the option here under that unit under that that day that there's a binder check they're going to do with assignment
and this is what they're gonna do they're gonna add
a link and let me show you how easy this is and it has to be under published view so that's what I that's what I I am I'm saying it's very important so under unit one task too so here's unit one task to listen the students finished it every header has its very own U. R. L. this is incredibly important all they do is click that's there unit one you are up and then they're going to add that link right there and they're going to hit paste and then and the like that's all they do now if the students if you want the students to tell you what they've done or how how they worked on if you want them to understand all the stuff that are the prime minster gonna say I love love love love love love my so that's where they can leave you a comment about things they've done or maybe things that they were having a difficult time with or why they didn't finish it when you check it but they're gonna send that and they're going to turn in
this work right here
so now as the teacher I'm gonna come in here here's my binder check I'm gonna do the assignment I'm gonna student fake student one has turned this in I'm gonna click on the assignment and look it takes you right there two unit to unit one task to artifacts but you don't even have to scroll you come in here looking to go oh look they added one image and the thing I would really like them to add more to this item and so as the teacher you would come back to your binder check into that student you would come in here and you would leave a private comment to the student right down here
add more to this section in the future
make it more
social media just
and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna hit publish or post so now I'm leaving all this information here I don't have to go searching all over for the evening was all over the place it just does it just like that another way you can do quickie binder checks is actually through flip so if you wanted to you could have the students come right in here
and this is what you would do so I'm gonna come over here real quick and I'm going to actually say
underneath my even under
yeah and I can say this instead of turning in the link here this is what I can do I can come over here to the instructions and instead of saying the link to your U. R. L. I can say I want your U. R. L. link for your video
look for it
just like that and then in flip grid you can actually create
a section
even under check
and your even under check in you're gonna come over here and click share
you're gonna copy the link
and I'm going to paste it
as the U. R. L.
right here in our assigned some adding the link
and I'm gonna hit save
and there we go so when our students come in here
and they all go to their Google classroom
and they see that you minor check instead of pasting the link directly they're gonna come in here
log in with their school Google account
and they're going to get a screen cast to you on their even once they start to flicker the gonna click on the three dots are at the bottom and select screen recording and they're going to start recording their screen
it's going to give you a count down
students will come in you ask for unit to task unit one test to and the art experience to the students would say hi Mister market so I completed my artifacts page on we we we did our our molecule I'm drawing so I took a picture of that and I put a little bit of information here that that's all I added it is is that okay do I do I need more I would love a little bit more information on how to make my artifacts pays a little bit better thank you so much Mister mark as I hope I can make this better for you and they would stop according
and so so you see the whole thing right there they're gonna hit next
I recommend that they select the frame up from there video instead of
there we go next
so we know that it's their artifacts page
they're going to submit the video and you notice how it gives you the U. R. L. you're gonna copy the link address to the U. R. L. and the student would then come right into the Google classroom under view assignment they would paste
it would yeah Hey stand that link
right there for you and turn it in
and then you would see under your class right over here student work you would see that
your student right here went ahead and turned in at this assignment it has the link directly to the flip grid response
and you can hit play to watch the students responses so there's a lot of variety of different ways that you can really check for understanding one of them I recommend is you know don't don't you know don't be pulling your hair out trying to check every single week this this is supposed to be an experience for you and your students not extra work for you a hundred percent so I recommend maybe also having what we call binder buddies having other students check each other to make sure everything's there and and give recommendations to each other and binder bodies don't have to be friends I highly recommend they're not friends it's people who are actually going to give constructive feedback to make the binders better and can keep them
keep them on task so that they don't fall behind weeks and weeks and weeks in their binders and so I just want you to understand that and and you know there's so much that you can do when he binders that you know I have our women are like this is is not going to cover so if you absolutely have any more information or any more questions please contact me on Twitter at Joe Marquez seven zero please come to this website Bitly dot a bit dot Lee of slash year binders it has step by step tutorials on everything with more coming it's just a great way for students to really take hold of their learning really take hold of really understanding what organization in a digital environment should look like and it becomes a really great community a tool for everybody to start seeing each other's mind sets on a daily basis so I hope that you start looking at your binders in a different light I hope you start utilizing these and and I am showing you how to use this in Google sites but this can be done in Microsoft OneNote this can be done on sea salt for younger kids I just highly recommend that you keep your cadence you allow the students to really add anything and everything that they can to help them understand the material and they can make it their own it so that they can actually connect with the material so they can recollect and remember everything that they've done during the course of your class so thank you so much for listening thank you so much for being an amazing educator and thank you so much for changing the lives of our students on a daily basis