The Speak Up Research Project for Digital Learning – the free research tool districts use to learn what students, educators, parents and the community have to say about education issues – is open for participation now through the end of January 2019. This year, Speak Up is offering a number of new options including a Mobile Learning Impact Snapshot tool and a Teacher Professional Learning Snapshot tool.
Project Tomorrow is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, November 13th at 3:30pmET/12:30pmPT to introduce districts to these new Snapshot tools covering how they can be used and what to expect. And, they will save time to answer your questions during the webinar. Register here:
The Mobile Learning Impact Snapshot - While there has been huge growth in technology investments in schools, relatively few schools or districts have conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of all of these mobile devices in the classroom. Building on more than a decade of evaluation studies and insights from Speak Up, this new Snapshot is a research-based tool designed to help school leaders get beyond just “student engagement” as a level of success (or failure) of their mobile learning initiatives to better explain the ROI of their investments. This tool offers every school and district an easy and cost effective (free!) way to assess the impact of their mobile learning projects.
The Teacher Professional Learning Impact Snapshot - The top issue facing school principals today – relative to the use of technology within learning – is how to motivate and train their teachers to change their instructional practices to more seamlessly integrate technology into instruction. While teachers are using more digital content than ever before and have greater access to digital tools including mobile devices in their classroom than ever before, there still is a gap between usage and effectiveness. And, teachers tell us they need and want more professional learning experiences to be able to use technology more effectively. This new Snapshot tool allows administrators to learn more from their teachers about their preferences and interests in professional learning experiences to support more effective use of technology.
This year, schools and districts can choose to 1) participate in Speak Up by selecting one of our annual question decks (current or longitudinal) as needed to collect feedback from their students, staff, parents and/or community, 2) use one or both of these new Snapshots as stand-alone tools or 3) use all the Speak Up tools: annual Speak Up questions, Mobile Learning Impact Snapshot and Professional Learning Impact Snapshot.
Learn more about Speak Up and get started today!